How Thomas Taricani Uses Valuation Insights to Enhance Exit Planning for Auto Dealerships

In this informative Exit Planning Coach podcast interview, Tom Taricani, CPA/APV, CVA, CEPA and Principal at Boyer Ritter, shares his expertise in business valuation and succession planning, focusing on the automotive dealership industry.

Taricani discusses the challenges of valuing businesses post-COVID-19, emphasizing the need to reconcile historical data with future projections, especially given potential IRS scrutiny. He stresses the importance of timely succession planning, particularly with the approaching sunset of certain tax provisions in 2026 and advises business owners to act promptly to leverage current tax benefits.

Taricani also touches on the increasing involvement of private equity in various industries and offers advice to aspiring exit planning professionals, recommending specialization and the cultivation of strong professional networks.

Curious about exit planning? Selling your business could be the biggest financial transaction of your life. At Boyer & Ritter, we use Exit Map® to help clients assess their readiness and prepare for the unexpected.

Take the 15-minute readiness assessment here.

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