Jeremy J. Scheibelhut



Jeremy provides accounting and tax services to retail dealership clients through the firm's Dealership group. 

Jeremy is also part of Boyer & Ritter's Nonprofit Services Group. He has experience providing accounting, audit, and tax services, and serving nonprofit clients subject to the Single Audit Act.

Outside of Boyer & Ritter, Jeremy has served as a member of the PA Air National Guard (PAANG) for nearly 20 years. As a Captain, he oversees the Services Sustainment Flight at the 193d Special Operations Wing located in Middletown.  

External Audit

  • Serves as the lead on multiple engagements and, as such, is responsible for the daily operations of the engagement
  • Developing and implementing engagement work plans to successfully complete audits
  • Preparing and reviewing clients’ financial statements
  • Providing advice, information and research to clients to assist in their management responsibilities

Tax Services

  • Performing accounting services for closely held businesses in preparation for annual tax filings
  • Preparing federal and state tax filings for closely held corporations, partnerships, fiduciaries, individuals and not-for-profits



Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Accounting 

Credentials & Designations

Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Pennsylvania

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